Sandra Treagus have ensured that all pages produced by our development team validates against XHTML Transitional standard. However, on occasions we do use third party tools within our web sites and we have no control over the HTML produced by these controls and therefore cannot ensure that the code produced is valid XHTML.
The World Wide Web consortium sets the standards for websites. This XHTML approval means that this website has been written to comply with these standards.
This mark means that the styles used in this website have been properly constructed and meet the World Wide Web Consortium standards.
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
The World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative sets the standards required to make websites accessible to as many members of the community as possible.
The site conforms to, and in many areas exceeds, the Web Accessibility Initiative’s (WAI’s) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0). This is the international standard for accessible websites and content. These guidelines explain how to make Web content accessible to people with disabilities and any other special needs.
We have followed these guidelines to ensure that this site benefits as many users as possible.
In particular, this site has been designed to conform with the WAI's "AA" rating, making it one of the few in the UK to do so. This means that the site meets and exceeds its obligations under the UK's Disability Discrimination Act.
Cascading Style Sheets
This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout. If your browser does not support cascading style sheets the contents of the website is still readable. Whilst the vast majority of CSS on this website validates as compliant CSS 2.1, it also uses elements of the latest (and in some cases developmental) CSS3 code that has not yet been standardised.
Relative font sizes
This site uses only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers.
[e.g. In Internet Explorer your font size can be increased by choosing view then text size from the main menu then selecting the size of your choice.]
Access Keys:
- a — About
- w — Workshop
- p — Pictures
- c — Contact
- t — Terms & Conditions
- d — Disclaimer
- z — Accessibility
- x — Site Map
Using Access Keys
Access Keys are selected in different ways according to which browser you use:
Safari 5+ and Google Chrome 5+ for Mac OS X:
Hold down the CTRL+ALT keys then select the number/letter of the access key.Safari and Google Chrome all other versions:
Hold down the ALT (CTRL for Macintosh) key and select the number/letter of the access key.Mozilla (includes Mozilla Firefox):
Hold down the ALT (CTRL for Macintosh) key and select the number/letter of the access key.Opera all versions pre 9+:
To activate access keys in Opera, you will need to switch into access-key mode first. Press SHIFT+ESC to enter access-key mode, and a list of the available access keys will be displayed. You can then press the appropriate access key to activate the link or form input. To exit access-key mode, press SHIFT+ESC again. Access-key mode will automatically exit as soon as you press an access key, or load another page.Internet Explorer 5+:
Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key, then press ENTER.Internet Explorer 4:
Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key.Internet Explorer 5+ for Mac:
Hold down the CTRL key and select the number/letter of the access key.Internet Explorer 4.5 for Mac:
Access keys are not supported.Netscape 6+:
Hold down the ALT (CTRL for Macintosh) key and select the number/letter of the access key.Netscape earlier versions:
Access keys are not supported.